Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Alright, go ahead, ask me how far along I am on my charity knitting… I deserve to be flogged with the yarn, for I have done absolutely nothing. I bought the yarn, and I was all psyched to get started, and now… well I just haven’t really been in the mood to knit. I can understand what Liz was saying about apathy.
There are so many causes that I hear about, and think, “Oh yeah, I can totally get behind that” or “That is so awful. Someone should do something about (insert cause here)” When I was pregnant with Eden I read Ariel Gore, the original hip mama, and was so blown away by her spirit. I was all about working to bring about change and fighting the man. I was going to be the super cool, hip activist mom, and teach my daughter about how to be a super strong, assertive woman in our male-centered society. Then the baby was actually born, and I was so busy just trying to make it through the day, all thoughts of activism flew right out the door.
So, the other day when I read the Harlot’s post, it stirred up all my activist, hippie thoughts again. I’m thinking, here is something I can actually do. One of the hardest parts about being active and taking a stand against, or for, a cause, is that I don’t have a lot of spare time to do everything I would like to. But knit a baby hat? That I can do. So why I am stuck? I still feel very passionately that the cause is worthy of my time.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been preoccupied with my life and my own drama this past week. It was E’s 6th birthday, and between the cake, the presents and the parties, we are both pooped. Next year, I’m having one party. My families will just have to suck it up. E had three parties. Yes, THREE. One with my mom’s family, one with her friends, and one with my dad’s family. Oh, and we took her out to eat on her actual birthday. It was almost as much fun as Christmas, when I was driving all over the city trying to get her to 3 different Christmas parties. Oh what fun it is to be the child of a broken home, who then has a child and splits up with the kid’s father…
But, in good news, I am hoping to go by a new-to-me car tomorrow. I am soooo excited!!!! Everyone keep their fingers crossed that it all works out. I’m worried that I won’t be able to get a car I really like for what I can afford. I don’t want to have to settle for some ancient, fugly POS car. I’m hoping I can at least get one made in this decade. Wish me luck!
PS, A newish knitting book also arrived in my delivery box this afternoon. It is called The Knitting Way: A Guide to Spiritual Self-Discovery. I've only had a chance to flip the pages, and if you are a visual person like me, I am thinking this may not be the best book for us. It appears to have only b and w pics. More information to come..

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