Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hot. Really, really hot

It is H-O-T hot people. Seriously hot. I am fairly certain that I have sweated off a good 5 lbs today. I think my brain may be melting. Last night, I stayed up and watched Lara Croft and the Cradle of Life, so that may be why another reason why I feel like I’m down a few brain cells also.

I managed to get K to embrace a little of his inner geek this weekend. Saturday, we bought Scene It! The Music Version and played like four rounds. As I was paying for it, he’s all like, “You know that you’re going to lose horribly right?” And, of course, he was right. Music trivia is his forte. But hey, the game was on clearance for $9.18, down from $37.00, and I held my own pretty well. When I got a chance to play that is.
If you’ve never played the game, I’ll sum it up real quick – you roll 2 dice, a numbered dice, and a category dice. You move your piece around the board the number of spaces shown on the first die, and then you have to answer a question based on the category die. If you answer correctly, you get to go again.
Have you ever seen someone hustle pool? You know, they let the opponent make a few shots, pretend to be not so good, then, bam, they hit them with some crazy trick shot and sink like 4 balls at once, and the opponent doesn’t have prayer? Well, it was a lot like that. Not pretty people. But, it was fun.

In other news, I’ve been making slow progress on my ballband dishcloth. I finished up the Blueberry hat, and started on a blanket for a coworker’s baby. It’s just too dang hot to knit. All I want to do is have a nice lie down in front of the fan. And, since E is spending the night with her dad, that is exactly what I plan to do.

Sadly, I will be missing knitting this week. I know you are all heartbroken. Try not to snag all the good yarn, and I’ll be back on the 9th.

And, as of Wednesday, it will be 2 weeks until vacation. That’s right, in just 15 days, my big fat ass is going to be doing a fine impression of a beached whale. Now I know ya’ll are sorry to have to miss that!

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