Friday, April 28, 2006

Happy happy joy joy

Tomorrow I will be traveling with some of the girls to Lexington to see the one, the only, YARN HARLOT!!!!!!!!
Yeah baby, live and in person at the Bluegrass Festival of the Book! Words can barely express how I feel about this.
I wasn't going to be able to go, but then I realized that I'm not the only in my department, and I asked someone to work for me, and they said yes, and now
I get to go!!!!!
The downside is that I fell yesterday at work, and totally f'ed up my left hand - yes, the one that was still operating at full functionality. So, now I have this stupid Ace bandage on my hand, and even though it is going to hurt like h-e-double hockey sticks, I am going to have to cast on a sock today, so that my sock and her traveling sock can have their picture taken together.
Ohmygod I am so excited about this!!!
Hopefully we can steal her away from Lexington before the gigantic blackhole of its lameness can suck her in. She obviously doesn't know that Lexington is Lame, and that the Ville is super rockin'.
Hopefully we can convince/bribe her into coming to Sophie's on a Wed night to join the girls of KTTW. That would be so super cool. Seriously, it would be FABULOUS.

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