Thursday, June 29, 2006

My hippie side is showing...

Quickly girls! To the Needle Cave! We have work to do. If you haven't already, hop on over to the Harlot's sight, and read her post from today, then shout "Hooray for Boobies!!!" and start knitting those hats.
Let's help spread the word- boobie milk is the bomb for babies, and more new moms need to be made aware of its benefits, and how to find support if they are having trouble.
In our society we view nursing as taboo and becasue of this many women never see anyone nurse until they have a baby themselves. No wonder so many women have trouble breastfeeding! Let's give this noble cause our full support, for the babies and the moms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At last, something to do with the "wonder yarn" stash - baby hats. They won't be fruit/veggie hats, but they will be very, very cute!