Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sentimental Sappyness

So I haven’t talked to K since the blow up yesterday. I hate this. I was up till like 2 am last night, going over our whole relationship in my head. I hate it when we fight. I'm sure some of you out there are wondering "Why is she with him?" I've asked myself that same thing a few times,and the answers are always the same.
Of course the biggest reason is that I’m so stupidly head over heels for him. But it’s more than that too. We have fun together. He makes me laugh. I can’t see him and not want to smile. He went into the yarn shop. He’s been trying to understand the yarn obsession. He lets me talk on and on and on. He thinks The Princess Bride is one of the best movies ever. He took me to see Coldplay. He goes for walks with me. He talks to Eden on the phone. He likes to go to the zoo. He’s a closet geek. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
Our relationship isn’t perfect. Sometimes it’s a bit like watching a train wreck. But despite our differences we’ve been together for over a year. Even when we are driving each other crazy, there is this underlying fact: we love each other. He is my darker half, just like I am his lighter side. We are different in a lot of ways, but in some very fundamental, basic ways, we are like two halves to the whole. I know that is so super cliché, but as some writer said, “Clichés are clichés because they are true.”

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