Friday, November 17, 2006

The Cat's in the Bag

Just so that you know what kind of nut house I live in, this is where Smudge was this morning. We didn’t put him in there. He got in all by himself, although how remains a mystery.

Also, to prove that there is actual knitting that gets done, here is a (bad) picture of the hat I am making for Eden.

It is from a pattern called Whale of a Tail. When you get to the top, you make two little fins that look like a whale’s tail. Super Cute. She picked it out herself. She loves to go to Sophie’s with me, so how could I refuse when she wanted to pick out her own pattern and yarn for her own hat – never mind that her Grammy had just bought her a lovely Hello Kitty hat and gloves set – she needed to have this hat. And she is just too cute when she looks up at me and says “Please mommy?
Peace and bright blessings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thank all of the good spirits every day that although Tramp does cute and pathetic eerily well, he can't actually speak!