As promised, here are some pics of my new sock bag and DPN case from my swap with trek.
They really don’t do these lovelies any justice.
And some Ball Band progress.

And a new hat for charity knitting.

In non-knitting news, I finished two good books this week. Angels Fall, the new Nora Roberts. It was good. Pretty much what you’d expect from her hardcover books. Girl goes to remote location to heal, girl meets boy, who helps her to heal, some mystery/murder happens, girl and boy become involved, and end up saving the day and each other. But, it has strong characters, a consistent plot, and better editing than some of her more recent works. Maybe she’s finally hired a new editing staff. I’ll give it a 3 and ½ out of 5.
I also finished Scent to Her Grave by India Ink, a pseudonym for Yasmine Galenorn, who writes the Chintz n’ China series I love. This one is set in a small beauty salon. The main sleuth, Persia, is some type of aroma therapist, but she’s been to college for perfumery or some such thing. I liked the general idea of the story, although I thought that it had some repetitious spots. It was like she forgot that she had already told the reader about such and such a place, or person. I like the Chintz n’ China series better overall, but I could get attached to this character as well. The premise is that Persia finds a dead beauty queen in the shop one morning. The local police immediately focus on one person as the killer, and Persia and her family/friends, set out to prove that the person the police have in custody isn’t the killer. It includes some possible love interest tension, as does the Chintz n’ China series. The outcome was a nice twist, one I didn’t immediately see coming. I’d give this book a 4 on a scale of 5.
And I am so excited about seeing our sock yarn tonight!!!! That's it, I'm done.