Wednesday, July 19, 2006


And now, without further ado, I give you, Pumpkin Head!

First I cast on 74 stitches using a size 8 16 inch circ. I worked some orange Encore in 2 x 2 ribbing until it felt like it was time to change to some green Encore. When I started the green, I wanted it to look like points, ya know, like on a real pumpkin, so I carried the green along and knit every 5th stitch green, then the next row, I knit the stitch before and after that first green stitch in green, and so on, until I had no orange stitches left, and I had made the complete switch to green. I continued working the green in plain stockinette, and began doing decreases every 10 stitches every other row. But then I decided it wasn’t decreasing fast enough, so I started doing every row, then after a few rows like that, I began decreasing every 4 stitches, then every other stitch, until I had 6 stitches left. I worked the 6 stitches for about an inch to form a stem, and then bound off, and voila, one pumpkin hat for a bebe. While I think it looks pretty nifty from the outside, it looks kinda scary from the inside.

I’m all afraid the baby is going to get some stray tiny body part entangled in the lengths of yarn that run the inside of the hat for like an inch or so. Am I being way too paranoid?
Also, I think I may have made it either too long, or not long enough. While I rolled it up on the doll’s head (an original Cabbage Patch circa 1980 now bringing joy to its second generation of Carter girls), I think that it would look better unrolled, but if I unroll it, the only baby it would fit would need to have been spawned by Coneheads. So, it isn’t perfect, and next time I make one, I’ll probably make it longer, and then maybe I’ll make a third one and make it shorter…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think its really cute! I wouldn't worry too much about the inside!